This company was based in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin and produced a good amount of models. The few I have been able to work on have been of good design but never really made it into the spot light. The mid 1950's to the early 1960's American saw market seemed to be dominated by Homelite or Mcculloch. The ones I have been able to acquire were owned by farmers or small business.
I like the straight forward designs and the use of the tried and true Power Products or a West Bend engine of the time. Unlike other chainsaw manufacturers (Mono, David Bradley, etc.) that utilized the standard handful of engines (WestBend, PowerProducts, Clinton, ect), Titan Propulsion Engine Corp. saws had their own in-house designs. The standard engines seemed to all mirror each other in basic design, but Titan saws had a look of their own that keeps them collectable today. Titan saws look great in any collection.
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